Koester Family | Birth Photography

April 30, 2015  •  1 Comment

 Guys, I am so excited to share this post with you! I have worked with so many wonderful clients over the years and I have loved getting to know each of their unique stories. It is my job to help tell that story and capture moments that are true to them personally. Recently I photographed a birth for a family who struggled with the heartache of infertility for a long time. I was so touched and inspired that I just had to share! So, with her permission, here is this beautiful new mother's experience.  

"Infertility has by far been the most challenging trial for me.. For several years my greatest desire, and dream was to have a baby. Many nights I'd lie in bed, sobbing, begging, and pleading to The Lord for this one specific thing. Here I was grieving for so long. Grieving for something I had never had, yet was yearning for. I knew that there was someone else missing from our family. I couldn't understand how something that should be so simple, was something that was so impossible for me. Worst of all.. it devalued my femininity, and I felt like a failure for not being able to produce the very thing my body was made to do as a woman. Very few women around me could relate, and it made it very difficult to express my excruciating pain and heartbreak to them. Thousands of dollars were spent on this unexplainable infertility, just for the giant let down of "I'm sorry, it didn't work."

I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer, and prayed earnestly for answers. Finally, I got my answer. It wasn't what I wanted to hear, but it was so clear. I had to let it go. I had to stop obsessing over the "why's" and to just focus on making myself healthier. I trusted in Him, and did just that.
A couple years later, with no Infertility treatments, no help- I became pregnant. Just like that, my body worked on its own, and I was blessed with the incredible miracle of life growing inside of me. I was super blessed with a healthy pregnancy, and even more blessed with the most perfectly healthy baby boy! Things in life aren't going to always go how WE plan them. But, if we have faith in HIS timing.... It will all turn out OK." -Heather Koester


As a birth photographer and mother of two, I know first hand that not all births go exactly as planned. They never do. Trust me. No matter how detailed our birth plan is and no matter how many birthing classes and books we read during our pregnancy, they can never fully prepare us for our little one's arrival. The Koester family did not anticipate a C-section birth for their little boy, but given their past with infertility, they knew what was most important and took the change in plan with grace. Although I wasn't permitted to photograph the actual birth, I was able to be with mom and dad as they cuddled and held their baby and introduced him to family members for the first time. The feeling in the room was so sweet and heavenly and you could just feel how much love these parents had for their new baby. He truly was worth the wait! 

Every birth story is beautiful as long as mom and baby are happy and doing well and this was one of my favorite births to date. Congratulations Koester Family and thank you for inviting me to be there for you and document your little guy's arrival!





Angeline Zamba(non-registered)
What an amazing story of God's grace! And what a beautiful baby boy :)
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